This week, the Rector’s Column continues to be the place to find the answers to the questions that were raised at the Christ Cathedral Parish Assembly on July 12, 2017. Though I answered many questions that night, there were a number I did not get to that night. Another set of the responses to those questions are in this week’s column.

As I have said, I am so inspired by the commitment to and concern for our parish that is exemplified through the many questions put forward. I hope you are finding these responses helpful and I look forward to continued conversation as we journey together as Christ Cathedral Parish.

Together in faith,

Very Rev. Christopher Smith, rector, Christ Cathedral




Q. Will we have cameras installed in the parking lots?

A. Yes, that is what the current plans call for.

Q. How many parking stalls will we have?

A. We are planning to have about 1,500 parking stalls.

Q. Will we be building a parking structure?

A. Current plans do not call for a parking structure.However, the master planning of the campus envisions that this

could be a possibility in the future.

Q. Will we have handicapped parking?

A. Yes.

Q. Will tourist busses be allowed on weekends?

A. Yes. The renovation plans call for a specific area to be designated for tourist busses.

Q. Will the priests be living on campus?

A. There are no plans currently for the priests to live on the campus.

Q. Will bells ring before Mass?

A. If we are able to get funding for renovating the carillon and adding some swinging bells, we could have bells ring

before theMasses.

Q. Will CMG become a Catholic cemetery?

A. The Cathedral Memorial Gardens is one of four cemeteries owned and operated by theDiocese of Orange. For

more information go to:

Q. Will we have a Catholic book store/café on campus?

A. Plans are being made for a Catholic bookstore, gift shop and café on campus.