This week, I am continuing to use the Rector’s Column to answer the questions that were raised at the Christ Cathedral Parish Assembly that I did not get to that night. The assembly took place one July 12, 2017. I began using the column on Sunday, September 10, as a place to publish the questions and answers. As I have written, the assembly was an exciting and energizing evening. About 350 parishioners gathered in the Arboretum for an evening which was designed to foster a sense of parish unity and to give participants an opportunity to ask questions and offer ideas for the immediate future of the parish.
Once again, I am so inspired by the commitment to and concern for our parish that is exemplified through the many questions put forward. I hope you are finding these responses helpful and I look forward to continued conversation as we journey together as Christ Cathedral Parish.
Together in Faith,
Very Rev. Christopher Smith, Rector, Christ Cathedral
Q. What is the seating capacity of the new cathedral?
A. Approximately 2,300.
Q. Will there be an area in the sanctuary for the handicapped?
A. Yes, the cathedral will be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant.
Q. Will we have an indoor stations of the cross?
A. The Stations of the Cross will be indoors.
Q. Will there be a place to pray 24 hours?
A. Sadly, no due to the increase of violent incidents happening in public places. Our campus closes daily at 10 pm and opens at 5 am unless there is a special event. Our current Eucharistic Chapel will be relocated to our new Cathedral Eucharistic Chapel which will be open during campus operating hours.
Q. Will we use the new building for daily Mass? Will we have weddings in the cathedral?
A. Yes.
Q. Will we have kneelers?
A. Yes.
Q. Is St. Callistus Chapel still part of the renovation plan? Will it be used for liturgies?
A. Yes. The St. Callistus chapel will be built out during a subsequent phase of the renovation. We envision using the chapel for weddings, funerals and other liturgies as needed and requested.