The surprise party is for you and you really are surprised. There is no special occasion and flowers from your spouse arrive at the door. A phone call comes from […]
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There was a little boy whose younger brother got very ill. To help their ill son feel better, his parents brought him a really great stuffed tiger. When the older […]
There is rarely any form of success or satisfaction that is not accompanied by pain or hardship. A relaxing vacation is preceded by lots of hard work. Excelling at a […]
Saturday, September 11, 2021, is the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Remembering this horrific day which took the lives of more […]
At times, we want to leave. We want to leave our jobs, our homes, our educational pursuits. Sometimes we feel like leaving our relationships, friendships, families, even our marriages or […]
During our lives, we have had our special places. As children, the sandbox, a treehouse, the playground, a fort, our backyard. The special place of the beach, a park, a […]
In describing a recent illness, someone was overheard saying, “I was so sick I thought I was going to die and was afraid I wouldn’t.” Sometimes life’s events are so […]
One of the great debates of life is what is really meant by labels on food these days that say things like, “Use or freeze by…”, “Sell by…”, “Best if […]
There is not enough rain. There is not enough oil. There are not enough jobs. There is not enough room on the freeways. There is not enough money. There is […]
What times in which we are living! In addition to the tumultuous consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has been pummeled with seemingly endless acts of violence, hate crimes […]