“Been there, done that!” How many times have we heard that statement and perhaps even said it ourselves? The declaration suggests we have done it all, heard it all, experienced it all. For disciples of Jesus, there really is no such thing as having done, heard or seen it all.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus addresses people who know the Hebrew Scriptures and the commandments very well and have lived their lives by them (Matthew 5:1-11). They have heard it all. For example, Jesus acknowledges they have heard the commandment against killing. Then he adds one more thing, telling them that they will be liable for their anger against others as well. In other words, go a step further. Deal with your anger before you get to the point of wanting to kill someone.

Jesus calls us to do something more, to go a step further. It is never, “been there, done that”. It is always about asking where we need to go and what we need to do. Sirach says, “Immense is the wisdom of God (Sirach 15:15-20)”. God calls us to think big. With God’s immense wisdom, we have never done or heard enough. We have never ended going to new places in our journey of faith.   We are not done learning how to know, love and serve God more. With our husbands, wives, and children, we are never finished. With our friends, coworkers, fellow parishioners or classmates, what do we still need to do? What conversation or act of kindness, generosity or forgiveness still needs to happen?

The annual Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA) is an invitation to support the ministries of the Diocese of Orange. These ministries are all about giving us and our parish the support and capability we need to do something more and to go the step further in bringing the life and love of Jesus to the world. Next weekend we will all have an opportunity to do more by making a pledge toward the financial support of the ministries of the diocese through the PSA.

It is not so much about where we have been or what we have done. It is doing more to know, love and serve God in this world that will truly make the difference.

Together in faith,

Very Rev. Christopher Smith, Rector