A favorite childhood activity is a treasure hunt. Supplied with a map and some clues, the child searches the house, the yard, the park or wherever the treasure is hidden in hopes of eventually finding something fun and wonderful. Treasure hunts did not necessarily end with childhood. As adults, we look for that treasure that is out there somewhere. For some, the treasure might be love, happiness or a peaceful life. For others, perhaps it is money, fame, a house or a car.
In the Gospel, Jesus tells us some stories about treasures. He talks about a man who finds a treasure buried in a field so he sells everything he has in order to buy it. He speaks of a merchant who finds a most precious pearl and sells everything so that he can buy it. These stories teach us about the real treasure for one who believes in Jesus. That is the treasure of God’s Kingdom. The treasure of building and living in a world in which forgiveness, justice and peace are the true gems.
The pursuit of this treasure happens within the context of our daily lives. Nothing exotic or dramatic here. The man who found the treasure in the field was probably a hired worker digging a hole to plant something. The merchant was most likely on his daily route of buying and selling when he stumbled upon the pearl. The treasures were found in simply doing what they did everyday.
The real treasures of our lives are found right where we live and usually come as a surprise. The unexpected offer of help from someone, your child telling you thank you, the clerk treating you well at the store, a smile from a stranger when you are feeling down, an email, text or even a phone call from a friend you have not heard from in a long time.
The treasures of the Kingdom are costly. If they were cheap, they would not be treasures. They cost our time, our energy, our very selves. But think of it. Giving of ourselves to build God’s Kingdom means that everyday is an opportunity for us to be someone else’s treasure. And for someone else to be ours. Who says treasure hunts are just for kids?