Since becoming Christ Cathedral Parish, we continue to learn what being a cathedral parish means. The cathedral church, as the bishop’s church, is linked to the diocese in a unique way. While serving the parishioners within the territorial parish, the cathedral church also serves the larger diocese. The other parishes of a diocese, while connected to the diocese and the bishop, operate with a certain individuality that the cathedral parish does not.
The worship life of the parish is profoundly affected by being the cathedral church. In addition to the parish liturgies, the cathedral is also the place for major diocesan liturgies, celebrations related to various Church organizations and at times, even civil ceremonies. The liturgical and specifically music ministry of Christ Cathedral Parish has grown substantially over the years. A remarkable job has been done in fostering music ministries that have appropriately served the growing diversity of the parish and the increasing number of parishioners.
Developing a music ministry that adequately serves the needs of a cathedral church is a huge undertaking that needs to start well before our renovated cathedral church opens. Bishop Vann will soon announce the appointment of the first ever Christ Cathedral Director of Music Ministries. The director’s responsibilities will include oversight of the entire music ministry of the parish in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. He will also manage the musical component of all the diocesan liturgies, as well as administer the cathedral cultural music program such as concerts, recitals and special productions.
The new director will also direct the English speaking choir which currently sings at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. We are extremely grateful to Pat Otero who will conclude as choir director on November 22, 2015, at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. We will honor her and have a special reception for her after the Mass. The choir will take a break until the new director arrives in January. We are thankful to all who so faithfully serve in the music ministry of the parish. We look forward to their continued participation as we continue our development as Christ Cathedral.
Together in faith,
Fr. Christopher Smith, Rector