Discover how the Gospel + Technology will reshape the future of the Church, enabling us to evangelize to millions globally in exciting new ways.
Talk, adoration, and confession every 3rd Tuesday of the Month for Young Adults (ages 18-39)
English Workshop for Parish OCIA Directors and Teams
Taller en Español para directores y equipos parroquiales del RICA
The diocesan Office of Vietnamese Ministry and the Vietnamese Priests’ Committee invite you to attend the celebration of the feast of the 117 Vietnamese Martyrs.
Holy Day of Obligation
Please join us for a night of fellowship with young adults who are eager to delve deeper into Scripture and encounter God through his living word. It is also a time of sharing our personal journeys of faith and fortifying each other as we hear God’s voice in our lives. Our evening will include reading scripture, adoration, music, preaching, and individual sharing. Come and join us!
Celebrate the Christmas season at Christ Cathedral with the centuries old tradition of the Service of Lessons & Carols. Immerse yourself in a candlelit evening featuring Choral Christmas favorites and Congregational Carols complementing some of the most beloved scripture readings about the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
On Saturday, December 14, Bishop Kevin W. Vann will ordain Mr. Oliver Coughlin the Order of Deacon with the anticipation of being ordained a priest in June 2025. Please come celebrate this joyous occasion with us!
More than 20 priests available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese to absolve our sins.
Come and celebrate La Gloria de La Navidad with us in an event filled with joy, music, and Christmas traditions!
Pope Francis has declared 2025 the Jubilee Year of Hope, a sacred time to renew our faith and embrace God’s promises. This global celebration begins on December 24, 2024, in Rome. In the Diocese of Orange, Bishop Vann will open the Jubilee Year with a special Mass and blessing of the Year of Hope Cross at Christ Cathedral on December 29, 2024, at 9:00 AM.
Join us for an encounter with the living God!
English/Spanish conversations with parish coordinators and teams.
Attention all parish bereavement coordinators and grief support teams! We will be hosting a half-day, dual-track, bilingual workshop addressing pastoral care in grief ministry, liturgical/funeral guidelines, mortuary/cemetery protocols and more on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025. Register by Jan. 10.
Talk, adoration, and confession every 3rd Tuesday of the Month for Young Adults (ages 18-39)
Bishop Vann invites our Catholic community as well as all people of good will to join together in prayer for an end to abortion, healing for those involved in abortion, and an increased respect for all human life.
You're invited to our open house and discover the power of a Catholic education.
Join us for an encounter with the living Word of God!